Monday, September 20, 2010

Using RSA Software Token with Blackberry

If you need to use RSA SecurID Software Token on your Blackberry phone, follow these steps:

1) Download from
2) After unzipping, open the SecurIDTokenBlackBerry350_quickstart PDF document (under bb350\doc\English).
3) Goto the section 'Use the Application Loader to Perform the Installation'. This method of installation worked for me.
4) Once the installation completes. E-mail the sdtid (Token) provided to you by the administrator. Before mailing, prefix x-RIMDevicetoken to the filename (eg. x-RIMDevicetokenfilename.sdtid).
5) Goto the attachment on your phone (do not open attachment) and select the "Import SecudID Token" option. Enter the password provided for the token.

Thats it. When you start the RSA Application, it will automatically ask for the PIN and then display the OTP.


Sean Cooper said...

Cheers, been banging my head against the wall. By using your post I sorted it.


Anonymous said...

Is this the Sean Cooper I know of? Mom